Discover the world of α



Author: Sony Europe

We don’t blame you if you sometimes suffer with withdrawal symptoms from our α series. Sometimes it can be hard to resist viewing the world through such beautiful lenses.


However, we’ve got something to feed that fix that you’re itching for. The Sony α Library app – available for your Android or iOS tablet - tells you loads of interesting stuff about our α series, from the specifications behind each of the lenses to all of the awesome accessories available. Consider it the ultimate growing encyclopaedia for all α series fanatics.



a library 2.pngOnce you feel suitably clued up on what the α series has to offer, give yourself a pat on the back and take a well-earned break while flicking through the interactive α Magazine, also included in the app. This semi-annual read is so abundant with expert advice, thrilling stories and jaw-dropping photos taken with our α cameras and lenses that it’s almost absurd!



Eager to get your mitts on the Sony α Library app? It’s easy to find – just click on this link to keep those cravings at bay.