
Soundbar - Vertical S

Recently purchased XF90 tv, XF9000 soundbar & X700 BlueRay. To check if the "Immersive Surround" is on the manual states to press "Vertical S" on the soundbar remote to display the surround setting on the TV. When pressing this button nothing is displayed on the TV. I have spent several hours trying to work this out to no avail. Your assistance would be appreciated.


You need to have it attached to the soundbar before it will display on screen. Rubbish I agree

It has to be asked did anyone at Sony test this kit before it was released?

Thanks for a quick response. The soundbar is connnected via HDMI cable to TV.

Yes I take your point and so was mine but the soundbar remote controls will only display when you attach your device to the soundbar. The soundbar has two hdmi inputs (one labelled for arc which is connected to hdmi 3 on your tv) and  on the other you have an enhanced port in which you can connect your blu-ray. After doing that the X700  will appear on your source list when you hit the input button on your tv remote. The blu-ray player will work in the same way as if you had connected it to your tv (say hdmi 2). I agree its ridiculous because the vertical button is for atmos material but you haven't a clue on say Netflix or the Tvs hdmi inputs.

This is something which does my head right in. Not having an on screen display unless the for the arc hdmi. Also I don’t know if whichever sound setting you select through hdmi 1 stays the same through hdmi 2. For instance if I watch a Blu-ray with cinema mode on, I don’t know if it’s still on when I change to arc for my set top box. I’m constantly having to resort back to standard audio mode. Also has anyone got on top of the audio delay issue yet ?


I have the same kit as you and I totally agree that it does your head in.
This set-up has never been tested by Sony before release. In addition I have
attached a Sky HD box and Apple Tv 4k which has caused chaos. I thought I
was going mad. At the moment I have removed the Apple Tv and things seem to
have stabilised. The soundbar was disappearing from my source list and I had
to turn off the tv to bring it back on. No sound in YouTube or Netflix - you
get the picture. The retailer I bought this from has replaced both soundbar
and Tv but the same issues prevail. Each HDMI port, Digital Tv, Apps should
have their own profile so if you set HDMI 1 to Cinema mode it should not be
the same on say HDMI 2. Global settings are accessed through the Home screen
such as sound system, Bravia sync settings etc. I set the sky box [HDMI 4]
profile to Sports and the tv to standard which worked.

I have contacted Sony Support about all these issues and , maybe naively,
expect them to address them. I will continue. I will very interested to hear
how you get on.


Wow. This is a jar of worms. I have checked my connections today & they are the same as jmw007. Following on from this I put the Blue-ray player on & was able to see the "vertical S" screen. This is now set to on. I now have 2 questions

1. Is the "vertical S" set up only in use when blue-ray /DVD discs are played, or should it be in use as well when the TV/skyq is used?

2. As "vertical S" is now set to on (providing I do not reset it) will it remain in this mode?

I also have had major lip-sync issues with this system when using the SkyQ box. It has been resolved by a) Increasing  signal strength on dish b) Changing picture resolution on TV to 2160p 8-bit c) Changing digital audio output HDMI on TV to normal instead of Dolby Digital Plus. All 3 of these changes were carried out by Sky. Watch this space on these changes!!.

I’m currently trying to figure out whether I prefer the Dolby speaker virtualiser or Sony’s own sound modes. On a side note I deactivated the auto power on, on the soundbar a couple of days ago. Since then when the tv was switched it on or off the Blu-ray player disc tray kept opening. I’ve had to turn auto on, back on to solve the issue.


I cannot say that I have had this particular problem. I have auto power
standby on the soundbar turned off. Before I turned off HDMI control on the
SKY HD box the Blu-ray player's tray would eject but it happened when I
changed source and it didn't happen very often. Tell me more about the Dolby
Virtual Equaliser since I know very little about it. How you set it up etc.
My experience of the soundbar is that it does improve on the TV speakers but
anybody expecting surround sound or indeed Atmos will be disappointed.
Turning the Vertical/S button on does raise the sound coming out of the
soundbar but that's about it.

Regardless it doesn’t work no matter how much time you spend trying to achieve that , I purchased the 9000 model , and changed it to HT-ZF9 soundbar which you can get wireless rear speakers for , the hours I spent trying to get the vertical S to kick in to no avail , Sony should make rear speakers for all models