
Avi Files

Hi there,

I have a Sony Bravia KDL-37EX403 and also use a NAS drive to store all my music and films on.

I have read various topics on this furum and also throughout the net, and it seems that the bravia does not support playback of AVI files.  Infact when I try i can get to the relevant folder, but it doesnt see the avi files.

There are various workarounds (most of which wont help me as I want to use my NAS), however my question (hopefully Sony people read these):

It seems like the lack of support for AVI files is a huge flaw, one that competitors dont have, is there ever going to be a update to the firmware to improve this functionality?

Whats rather strange is my brother has a similar setup using an LG TV and a Sny blueray player.  Using the Sony blueray player he can stream avi from his NAS no problem.

My TV is excellent, by far the best I have ever had and up until now would have recommended it, however since more and more people download content and want to play AVI's I think this is a huge mistake.

Any feedback would be appriciated.  Merry Christmas


This is ridiculous – I have 55ex710 back in Europe. I purchased 46ex710 in the US. Guess what - 55ex710 plays avi, 46ex710 does not. I am a little bit shocked. My fault that I did not check it before the purchase…

Could anyone explain me reason for this?

First I agree with everyone on this, Sony get with the picture - support more file formats and codecs.

Now for the education of those not in the know.

First thing to note, there are FILE formats and there are video CODECS - BOTH are important. For example you can have an AVI file format containing video data that requires the AVC codec to play it. On a similar basis you can have an MP4 file format containing video data that requires the AVC codec to play it. However even though a Sony TV can play AVC video data, not all models recognise the AVI file format on either the USB or DLNA client. Some models will recognise MP4 file format with AVC and H.264 codecs, but only on the USB. They will not recognise the MP4 file format with DLNA client! Yet another annoying encounter with Sony. Clearly who ever developed the DLNA client software had nothing to do with the USB player software!

So when you start talking about AVI files or MP4 files there is more to it than the just the file format.

For example video data found in an AVI file can be formatted with any of the following codecs;

XVID, MPEG4, H.264, MJPEG, MS MPEG4 V2 and MS MPEG4 V3 and possibly more.

So when you talk about supporting AVI, its not as simple as a file format, its about all the possible codecs that could be used to create the AVI file as well.

Given that XVID is a free open source codec, the conspiracy theories about why Sony have not supported more codecs begin to feel more like fact than fiction.

I am like many Sony customers who have posted here. I have bought Sony products all my life, however my experiences with this expensive TV will shadow my future decisions on which products to buy - by by Sony!


This is simply not good enough.  I've just bought a brand new Bravia TV (within last 6 weeks) on the basis that it could play DivX files, but my TV plays around 5% of the movie files in my collection, the TV can't even see most of them .  My 3-year old Philips DVD player played just about every file I could throw at it, so I would expect a TV purchased new in 2012 to be able to play these files.  I'm really angry about this and would never have bought this TV if I realised it was so limited.  I'm seriously considering taking it back to the shop for a refund now that I've seen your reply.  What you're basically saying is that you aren't going to support a widely-used standard that has been around since 2005, and I'll have to buy a new TV next year if I want this?  I've just spend hundreds of pounds on this piece of junk, and now I can't play most of my files.

I'm going to find out what the store's return policy is, and if I don't see a firmware update with proper DivX/AVI support within the return period it's going back for a refund, and it will be the last Sony TV I ever purchase.

My Sony KDL-46NX703 played most of my avi files (via USB or streaming) until the last firmware update, now it can't see them, let alone play them. In my view this must be either a bug or support for avi was deliberately omitted from the update.

This is my last Sony product unless FW upgrade fixes DivX / Xvid /AVI codecs/file on my KDL-55NX720.


I understand that with the multitude of devices Sony produces, it would be impossible to implement a simple codec to play these files. What I don't understand is how Vizio can do it and sell a comparable model at 3/4 the price. What is the real issue here. I believe it is just another way for Sony to regulate the type of media we are allowed to view on their products. This will definitely be my last Sony purchase ever.