TV needs two times switch off to be off.

TV needs two times switch off to be off.


in last December we have bought a TV. Last three months it has a bug. The switching on is alright, but the switching off is terrible. It turns itself on after I have turned it off. So then I have to switch it off twice. 

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Hi there


Can you please reply back with the model number of your TV


Thank you

It's a KDL - 9WD757 with Opera TV 

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Hi there


Thanks for the model - I have had a look into the settings on this TV and I cannot see anything that can be changed.  This problem could be down to two things, but it depends if the TV switches itself back on immediately after being off or after a period of time.


1 - Immediately after turning TV off

This used to happen to my mum a couple of years back on another model - she was pressing and keeping hold of the on/off button on the remote control for two long - hence the TV would switch off, and then on again. 


Another possible cause is if you have another connected device using HDMI-CEC (Bravia Sync) - a remote possibility that the TV turns off before the connected device does and hence TV switches back on again.  Test this theory by disconnecting the all HDMI cables.


2 - TV switches on after a period of time being off

This could possibly be due to another device switching the TV on via the network.  Try disabling "Remote Start" in the TVs Network Settings (Home Network Setup).



If neither of those I would advice taking things back to basics.

  1. Ensure that you have the latest firmware installed
  2. Factory reset the TV - this can resolve many issues.


Hope this helps.


1 - The point number one is not my case. 

2 - The Remote start turned off but nothing has changed. 


The firmware is up to date. So only last possibility is the factory reset. 

Thank you 

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Let me know how it goes after a factory reset anyhow.  :cool: