software update 6.5629 for Sony A1

software update 6.5629 for Sony A1

I am disgusted to report that this update has not worked. the dimming is still happening even after a factory re set. How disgraceful that they dared to send this out, so disrespectful.


Sure, that would be the best solution. Upload to YouTube and post the links on the main thread I mentioned. You will have better exposure if you stick to that thread.


And as @jumpsuit already mentioned, keep us posted. You have taken the right steps so far. Your issue requires further investigation, and as long as that is not properly concluded there is little to be done. You might have a faulty unit, that can't be excluded. In any case, my advice would be to closely follow the instructions and requests that Sony Support will have for you and make sure you allow sufficient time for the process to follow its due course. You will be cared for. As it stands right now, the dimming issue shouldn't be occurring on your unit, so there is no reason why your unit can not be part of the greater group which have the issue resolved.





This video above is a briefly bright picture before dimming occurs on Sony A1. If you watch closely you will see the dimming starting to kick in around 10/11 secs into the video.

What evidence is there that the "greater group" have had the dimming resolved? There are lots of users who are not happy.

Have a look at the video below, it is dull and full of contrast and an absolute disgrace. It ruined my enjoyment of the World Cup. Why on earth would any of us buy an Ultra High Def television when the picture is anything but UHD?


I have the A1 OLED too, Im completely PO with the way the dimming is affecting everything, Its been going on for months now, its awful during gaming and watching sports

I complained to JOHN LEWIS where I bought it, they asked me to check all sorts of settings and then decided to send me a USB from SONY that has the latest update on, Im yet to recieve this after almost a week.....?

I dont hold much hope though as I beleive the update on the USB is the same as the TV already

If it dosent work I am going to ask JOHN LEWIS for a replacement set, probally not made by SONY, which is a shame as Ive had their products for years

It is totally unacceptable that this problem has been ongoing for months.

I currently have a “complaint being investigated” by Sony. The problem is that they keep coming back to me every few days requesting I try particular settings( I’ve tried loads)before/ after videos and a then a vid of general content. Of course, my iPhone makes the pictures look brighter than they are but they do capture the dimming also in general content. 

In addition, each time, they say they will respond within another 7 days, so the response time keeps getting extended. 

They know as well as us that they have created a dimming default position so that no matter what we do, the picture will dim to the same level every time. I am trying to watch Match of the Day right now and the picture is appalling. Last night I tried to watch rugby on Premier Sport2, it was despairing and there lies another fault with this set, the SD picture quality is dire to begin with.

I have been told by Curry’s that they will not get involved as the problem is software related therefore I am surprised John Lewis are so generous! Presumaby they asked what current software you are using however I agree, the update will be what`s on the Sony site and once again they are just palming you off.

What else can we do about this as it is driving me absolutely crazy?