WiFi connection drops daily


WiFi connection drops daily

I have a Sony KD-55XE8396. I bought this in December. For about five months the connection to my network using WiFi was fine. It did drop a couple of times but that was all. But in the last month or two, it drops the connection almost daily. Sometimes, but not always, if I "Forget" the network and then reconnect (going through the palaver of inputting the Key using the remote - a tedious process made worse by the fact that the remote does not react unless pointed very specifically at the very middle of the screen) it will reconnect but even this does not always work. To be honest I have pretty much given up and plan to buy some of those plugs that hard wire through the electricity cables but I find this very annoying. Anyone else have this problem? It bemuses me why it was fine for the first few months then almost useless. I wondered if there might have been a firmware update that has sent it pear shaped. If so this is not good! By the way, before anyone asks the inevitable, I have other devices that remain connected with no probelm at all right next to the TV. I can also disconnect them and then reconnect them again without any difficulty at all. The TV is some distance from the router but it worked fine at first.    

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Hi Graydjames,


Please have a look at this thread where you can read instructions on how to solve your problem. Note that if powerline adapters is an option for you then I would definitely recommend that solution.





Sorry for not replying, I've just been prompted to reply as to whether it solved my problem. I live in a detached house, not an apartment, but, nevertheless, when I do a scan a small number of other nearby routers come up. But this has always been the case and is not unusual I think. It is only in the last month or two that the problem has arisen.    

I don't really understand how I can change the channel on my router even if that is the issue.

I have decided to go down the power line hard wiring solution, but I have not got around to this yet. A bit irritating that I have to go to these lengths but I guess i have to put up with it. I still can't understand why other devices have no issue and why it worked fine for the first few months after buying this TV. Also I have another Sony TV in my bedroom and that does not seem to have the same issue (at least occsioanlly it drops the connection but not very often).