Need help using the x10 camera

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Need help using the x10 camera

Please excuse my noobiness, im pretty new to androids and such. When using the xperia's camera i thought it was simple as just to press the camera button to take a picture, i was sadly mistaken. So i tried holding it down and still no go. I tried different varations of pressing and holding down the button. I also changed the settings, like the focus, etc. Only thing that works is the touch capture, but I'm not satisfied with just that. Can somebody please assist me? Thanks!

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oh wow im such a big noob, yea i have to presh down pretty hard. LOL... wow biggest face palm moment of my life for now.

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Anguished_Face lmao:smileylaugh:


ROFL!!! Bless yer heart!  No seriously tho, thats why a forum is good... can you imagine having stormed back into the mobile shop and had a right go at some poor sales assistant just for him to go "Press" voila madam!?!?

The half press just focuses the camera btw!