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My New vaio laptop reads "operating system not found" please help

My New vaio laptop reads "operating system not found" please help

Only just new, i5 processer and what have you but it simply will not turn on, i have lots of work to do over the weekend and am desperate to get this working please help

"operating system not recognised"


Hi Gary and welcome.

This doesn't sound good!

What model do you have?  What Operating System is installed (Windows 7 or Windows 😎

When you say the Vaio is new are you saying that it has never worked?  Or has it worked OK for a while and now stopped?

'Operating System Not Found' means that the BIOS is unable to find the Windows software.  This can be caused by: -

1. Corrupted boot sector software (Bios is looking for Windows in the wrong location)

2. Corrupted Windows system files

3. Loose or bad connection to the Hard Drive

3. Faulty or damaged Hard Drive.

If the Vaio is brand new then take it back to the vendor and ask for a replacement.

If the Vaio has been working properly you can try the following: -

1. Enter the BIOS by tapping F2 repeatedly when you see the initial Vaio logo and keep tapping until the Vaio logo disappears.  This should open the BIOS screens.

2. Look for the listing for the Hard Drive - is it recognised or does it say 'HDD not found'?

If it is not found, a new hard drive may be required.

If the HDD is recognised, depending on the OS you have installed, you may be able to repair the system either by tapping F8 during startup and choosing a repair or by downloading a repair disc.



Different Gary, but same problem. I have been looking for a fix and it has stated you need to have Recovery Media.

I don't and I really don't have time to order one and wait for it.


Any suggestions as to where I can download a fix?