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VGX-XL301 graphics card upgrade advice please


VGX-XL301 graphics card upgrade advice please

I've had the Sony VGX-XL301 for over a year now and mostly love it except for the know issue of it recognising the display (TV) when using HDMI after you switch back to it's AV input on the TV, a lot of the time you just get a blank screen and have to re-start the PC. I've read that this is a problem with the Graphics Card (GeForce7600 GTL). I want to try a new card to see if it will actually fix the problem.

I know very little about the internal workings of PC's so am looking for some advice on what Card will work in the XL301. I'm assuming it has to be low profile. I want the card to be silent so would prefer not to have a fan and in the future I may get an external Blu Ray drive so it will need to work for this.

Looking around the web I've found this card (one on right without fan). Will this fit into the XL301 without any issues? Has anyone used it before? Anyone got a link from where I can buy it, I can't find an online store that has them?

Besides potentially fixing the issue I have will I see any other benefits from an upgraded card over the current one (I don't use this PC for games, it's purely for media centre)? Will it improve TV quality or is that driven by the TV tuner card only?

System spec:

Thanks for any and all advice / help!


I finally found a place in Australia of all places that will ship to Ireland! It's on the way.