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When Sony will update GPU drivers ?

When Sony will update GPU drivers ?

Application crash because GPU driver is too old

Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: APPCRASH
Nazwa aplikacji: iexplore.exe
Wersja aplikacji: 9.0.8112.16421
Sygnatura czasowa aplikacji: 4d76255d

Nazwa modułu z błędem: atiumdva.dll  <--------------------------------- ATI files !!!!!!!

Wersja modułu z błędem:
Sygnatura czasowa modułu z błędem: 4c980b04
Kod wyjątku: c0000005
Przesunięcie wyjątku: 00092240
Wersja systemu operacyjnego: 6.1.7601.
Identyfikator ustawień regionalnych: 1045
Dodatkowe informacje 1: 436e
Dodatkowe informacje 2: 436e6566d0d98f0d0428bb716691f851
Dodatkowe informacje 3: 7dd1
Dodatkowe informacje 4: 7dd1866c6721c96d7ceb7f4476bf1aae

Sorry is in polish.

Anyway, I've search for the answers and the problem is  drivers for my GPU are to old, since 2010 a lot of change but Sony doesn't update drivers, why ? What is wrong with this company, I feel like someone cheated on me. I paid for product and at the end is no support. How I can unlock GPU ? I wont stuck with Sony stone age drivers, I just want update like most people have, from the GPU producers, any help will be appreciated.


I have been having the same problem with a VPCEB4X0E laptop.

I usually use a chrome varient called Iron as my main web browser, but I see the problem in both Firefox and IE9 as well.  I keep the browsers up to date, along with Vaio update, Windows update, Java, Acrobat and of course Flash, Quicktime and VLC player, but still get these problems in full screen Youtube videos.  I am running Windows 7 home premium 64bit.

When the problem happens, it is usually when I trying to watch a Youtube 720p or 1080p HD video at full screen on my Vaio VPCEB4X0E laptop.  The laptop should have more than enough power for this as it has a 2.6 GHz Core i5 processor, 8 GB ram, ATI mobility Radion HD5470 with 512 MB dedicated video ram and 1920x1080 display.

Playing during downloading or waiting until the full download has completed doesn't seem to matter, and the same video plays perfectly in either small or medium window in page.  Non-HD videos seem to work perfectly both in a window and full screen.

I've also had intermittent problems with the video on YouTube displaying a blank green screen too...

Is there ever going to be an official update to the ATI Catalyst drivers for my laptop?  I am currently running the "latest" and "best" version (as claimed by Windows driver update).  Vaio update isn't finding an update and ATI's own website and update tools say that I have to contact Sony for the driver!

Windows display settings say that I am currently running v8.723.8.2000 dated 20/09/2010.

ATI Catalyst control center says:
•Driver packaging version = 8.723.8.2-100920a-105610C-Sony
•2D Driver Version =
•Catalyst Control Center Version = 2010.0920.2143.37117  says that the latest version is 12.8 released on 15/08/2012.

Recently I've had several start-up / resume from sleep/hibernate or in-general-usage Blue Screen of Death crashes in Windows 7 which were attributed to the ATI driver causing the crash.

Can anyone advise of a fix, workaround or when an update will be available?



UPDATE: I just managed to download and install the AMD driver from the above link, but I got a BSoD crash in the middle of the Express install.  However, on restart in normal mode everything seems to be functioning and I now have driver v 8.982.0.0, but no Catalyst control center...  Seems to be working ok as far as I can tell at the moment...  (I don't use any heavy 3D games or applications)