
ultra 4k Movies & Tv App (sony)

Evening everyone

I recently purchased the Sony Bravia KD65XE8596  combined this with the ubp-x800 ultra Hd blu ray player.


I purchased a few 4k Ultra hd blu ray titles to get started, and one gave me the option to also

get a digital copy online from the Sony picture store/linked to ultraviolet account.


Got all this sorted but, if i want to stream this to my tv (not using the blu ray here) it advised to dL and app called

Ultra 4k movie & Tv from the google play store, or home screen on the tv. I also got this reply in my email (copy below)


On Sony BRAVIA 4K Android TV's:

Download and install the ULTRA 4K Movies & TV app from the home screen on your Sony 4K BRAVIA Android TV or download the app from the Google Play app store. Then log in with your username and password. Stream your movies in HD and 4K.

Watch for exciting news from UltraViolet and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment coming soon, including more of your favorite movies & TV shows and a growing list of UltraViolet-enabled devices & services!


I looked on the home screen, but could not find this app, and it isnt avalable in the google play store via the built in app store on the tv. But if you go via the opera browser, you can see the app in the google play store, but it does not allow it to be downloaded in the UK, so i am a bit lost here.


Can anyone point me in the right direction ?


 it would  be good to have the ability to stream the movie if the BR player goes t*ts up in the future at any stage.


Thanks & regards


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