
Decoded Video Disappearing on Resolution Change with KD-55XE9305 v6.2858 and Netflix


Since updating my 55XE9305 to the latest v62.2858 firmware, I'm encountering an issue where Netflix  (30th March 2018 build on the TV) has problems displaying decoded video output after a resolution change. Other visible data overlaid on the decoded output (volume bar, rating in top-left, stream information from pressing [I+] on remote) continues to render/display as normal.


My partner originally reported the issue to me while wanting to watch this week's episode of "Ru Paul's Drag Race" (S10E04 - it's HD, but not HDR), and I was able to consistently reproduce the issue with this (and other) particular piece of video content. It plays back fine, but as soon as the resolution of the stream changes... no decoded video output.


The stream starts playing normally, but at the precise time that an adaptive resolution change kicks in (eg: changing resolution from 720p to 1080p - as shown in the stream information text from [I+]), the decoded video goes blank - leaving only Netflix overlay rendering. I should stress that audio continues without any issue at all.


This does not happen with all streams - for example I've not seen this with 4K/HDR ones. So I was able to watch an episode of Chef's Table (Volume 4, Episode 1) in 4K with Dolby Vision without any issues at all - even though I could see the adaptive resolution change.


I've also observed this problem for some streams where there's been a reduction in resolution due to bandwidth (eg: 720p to 420p). So the key part seems to be the *change* in resolution.


The build of Netflix on the TV has been unchanged since 30th March. Prior to the new firmware being on the TV (Friday 6th April), there were no issues relating to Netflix playback. As soon as the new firmware was on the TV, this problem became apparent.. so it points towards a problem with the v6.2858 fiemware


I've deleted all cached data from the TV related to Netflix and set it up again, but no change.

I've reset the TV to factory defaults and configured everything from scratch (inc. Netflix) but no change.

I'm able to play streams without difficulty on other devices at home (PS4 Pro, iPad, iPhone, Laptop).


If anyone running the latest firmware can try the "Ru Paul" episode (S10E04) I mentioned above, and report back whether the problem occurs for them, that may be useful?






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