
phone dead?


I have a xperia xz2 compact. Recently it had some issues. When I connected it to the charger, the phone hangs. I could reset it using the volume down/up + power button. But now that doesn't work either. The screen is off and nothing seems to happen:

- If I hold the power button, I see a short green flash at the indicator led. But the screen remains off.

- If I connect it to the charger, the indicator led turn red, but the screen remains off, nothing happens.

- If I keep it in the charger, the led doesn't turn green to indicate it is full. So I am not sure it is actually charging. 

- If I hold the volume up and/or down + power button, nothing happens. No vibrations as I had before. Sometimes I see a short green flash at the indicator led. But the screen remains off.

- I tried to use the sony repair software, but it doesnt recognize the phone, as it doesn't start.

I gave up the phone, but would like to start it one more time to get some data. Any suggestions?

Thanks ashgard

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