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Just received Andoid upgrade to 10 52.1.A.0.532 - most of the functions seems to work without any hassel. What I recognized is, that the fingerprint reader is responding with a much bigger delay than before - seems to be a high lag time. Anybodey else with same xperience or any other issues?
Yes I do unfortunately. Cleaned google store cache in safe mode which made them dissapear - but they came back.
That's Why my battery uncharge by dark theme so FAST!!!
Starting the phone in SAFE mode does NOT solve the fingerprint BUG on XZ2 with Android 10.
SONY, please reply!
Checking a bit on the internet it seems that the fingerprint issue does exist on the new model xperia 1 and 5 from the get-go with Android 10. Looks like Sony is working on it but it does not seem to be resolved - not good if even flagship models are impacted! Looking forward to a timely resolution for the most urgent topics around battery and finger-print.
For the Google system update icon a workaround is to go to settings->about phone->click on Android version->Google play system update and you'd be asked to restart. I saw that in another post here but not sure how permanent solution it is, had to do it twice so far.
And safe mode didn't help with anything, as expected.
Posted yesterday regarding portable hotspot 'tethering error' - connects but no internet. The same appears to be the case for USB tethering; 'tethering error' resulting in network connection but no internet - this worked before the 'upgrade' to Android 10. I am now looking to buy a different phone; shame since I did rather like the XZ2 before last Monday.
I have the same issues. In addition, very slow performance, a huge delay after starting an app until it appears on the display. Google Play Store is not working, it shows updates but they were not downloaded and installed. And thy possibility to activate the flight modus in the night via the assistant disappeared.
I loved the Xz2 but now...
I've had exactly this problem on my XZ2 Compact since the update to 10.
Same issue I am also experiencing on mine
Will sony reply us or not